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ImportGenius Reviews

Reviews and coverage of ImportGenius in the media

Amazing New Trade Data
The New York Times

The popular New York Times Freakonomics blog suggests novel ways the ImportGenius database could be used by economists and companies engaged in international trade.

Research Stocks with ImportGenius

About.com explains how investors can use the ImportGenius customs database to investigate the operating health of public companies and generate investing ideas

Customs Data Reveals iPhone Pre-Launch

Armed with a complete list of Apple's ocean freight imports from the ImportGenius database, a Forbes reporter staked out the company's warehouse to get a sneak peak at the iPhone 3G.

ImportGenius as Tool for Transparency

Wired Magazine points out that innovative technologies like our database of U.S. customs records are helping to bring transparency to government data.

ImportGenius: Tool for Tracking U.S. Imports

Dan Farber, editor-in-chief of internet news pioneer CNET.com, authored this piece about ImportGenius.com's search tools for U.S. ocean freight import data.

ImportGenius: First to Detect iPhone 3G

The web site for Fortune Magazine reports on the ImportGenius competitive intelligence service, noting that our users get access to records on nearly every container that entered the United States from 2006 to the present.

ImportGenius Used to Reveal Trade Secrets

Newsweek explains the measures that Apple takes to ensure the secrecy of its new product launches--and how ImportGenius data was able to pierce the company's infamous veil of secrecy.

ImportGenius: Disruptive Shipping Database
The Washington Post

The Washington Post highlights the many uses of the ImportGenius U.S. Customs database, from tracking suppliers and competitors to researching investment ideas.