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Mexico Import Data from ImportGenius

Official customs records of all shipments, importers, and shippers into Mexico . Get full visibility into Mexico Import Data with ImportGenius.

373k total companies, 173M total shipment records

Available Mexico Import Data on ImportGenius

Arrival Date
The date the shipment arrives within the Customs territory of the country. You can use this to monitor when goods arrive or if the trader you're interested in is punctual with their shipments.
Names and address of the business that received the shipment. You can use consignee information to prospect new leads, discover competitors, understand local markets.
Country of Origin
Country of origin information can be used to estimate things like taxes, tariffs and duties. Use this to see if your competitors are benefitting from special trade arrangements with certain governments
HS Code
An internationally recognized system for classifying import and export commodities, usually used for tariff regulation. You can also use HS Codes for trade statistics and economic research.
The company exporting the shipment. Use this to identify new potential suppliers or to verify the history of suppliers you are interested in
Shipper Address
The address of the overseas company exporting the shipment. You can use this to locate and verify the location of the suppliers you're appraising.

More available data

  • CIF (USD) Unit Value
  • CIF (USD) Value
  • Consignee Address
  • Consignee City
  • Consignee State
  • HS Code Description
  • Port
  • Quantity
  • Total Weight (KG)
  • Unit of Measure
  • View

Instant access to shipment records

Through the ImportGenius online shipment database, you can quickly and easily discover new information on your trading partners and your competitors. Search and browse through all the data fields listed above and more.

Datasets Shipment Details

Analyze Mexico Trade Data with ImportGenius

Businesses find new opportunities using Import Data. Use ImportGenius Trade data to find new leads, track down competitors, research overseas suppliers, understand your market, and more.

ImportGenius has been making this data available at your fingertips since 2008. Over the past decade, we've received hundreds of millions of shipment records from over 8 million businesses in 18 countries.

Our team of trade specialists will gladly assist your business in finding new opportunities using our data.

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Datasets Import Data

Analyze your competitors

Would you like to know where your competitors source their products? Our databases of shipping manifests reveal suppliers, product volumes, and industry trends for importers, exporters, and distribution companies in Mexico .

Datasets - Analyze Competitors

Verify your suppliers

Importing from overseas comes with a lot of risks. Your suppliers can be unreliable, dishonest, or even fabricated. Use ImportGenius to examine the history of your current and potential suppliers and save yourself from problems down the road.

Datasets - Verify Suppliers

Find more leads

If you sell products or services to importers or exporters in Mexico , you can find more prospects by looking at companies that have imported similar products in the past. Look at your competitors' clients to see opportunities on who you could target. You can even narrow your search per market to find new opportunities.

Datasets - Find more leads

Instant signup.
No contracts.

Sign up today to gain full access to ImportGenius’s database of 173 million shipments to and from Mexico .

Make up to 1,500 searches ( 50 per day), 25 contact requests, and download up to 10,000 records each month.

Finding new opportunities in the global trade market starts here at ImportGenius. Our customer service agents are available 24/7 and are always willing to lend a hand if you need tips and tricks.

See other available plans on our pricing page.

Sign up to get access to Mexico Data

Your selected plan - Additional Countries $199/month

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See the ImportGenius Mexico Import Statistics

Total Shipments
  • Import Shipments
United States

Find the ImportGenius plan that is right for you

Whether you are a first-time importer for your first FBA store or a seasoned logistics professional, we have an ImportGenius plan for you. If you are still unsure, you can talk to our US-based sales team who can help you find the plan that fits your needs.

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